LOCATION: Commerce High School; 272 Lakeview Dr; Commerce, Ga. It will be in the schools new Auxiliary Gym which is located at the top entrance to our football field. Due to construction you will need to drive up to the front office area of the high school. We will have signs directing where to go to park.
TIME: Starts at 9AM. Gym will be open by 8AM. (Recommend having wrestlers there by 8:30 at latest). My goal is to be done by 1 PM (worst case we will end at 2 PM).
ADMISSION: $2 per person (wrestlers free)
CONCESSIONS: Will be provided for entire event.
***We will run 3 mats, 1-1-1 periods. It looks like all kids will have minimum of 2 matches, with most getting 3+ matches. Please advise all parents that only coaches are allowed on mat during a match. No parents, no other wrestlers. Due to liability issues we will be strict on this. So coaches please help us monitor this. ***
Thanks – Rick Flint 706 215 0145