Monday, March 16, 2009

2 Tiger Wrestlers Place at Little Kids State

We had 11 wrestlers compete at Little Kids State this past weekend. Congratulations to all who qualified and wrestled in State. Had a great tournament and so proud of all the wrestlers. They all wrestled great!!!
We had two State placers:

Cole Chancey placed third in 10 Under 90lb
Dalton Flint placed third in 10 Under 70lb.

Monday, March 9, 2009

McClure Captures His 4th State Title

Chance McClure captured the Big Kids State Championship Title at the 14Under 160 lb class Saturday March 7th in Roswell, Ga. McClure dominated the tournament without allowing a single point scored on him. He won the Championship match by pinning his opponent in the first period!!! This is Chance's 4th State Championship and he has been runner up 2 other years. Commerce also had Grayson Cochran and Micah Eason wrestle in the State Tournament. Both wrestled excellent and were one victory away from making it to the consolation finals for 3rd or 4th place.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still need uniforms from...

If you are done wrestling for the year, PLEASE help me out by turning your uniform in. We will be at the Wrestling Gym this Thursday , March 5th and will be there 4 days next week: Monday through Thursday between 6 &7 PM. That gives you 5 more days to turn these in. Guys we still have 16 kids who have not turned them in. It is a lot of work and hassle trying to track down these uniforms, so please be responsible and turn these in before end of next week. Here is a list of uniforms still needed:
Jackson Moon, Dakota Moon, Ethan Epps, Dawson Thompson, Tucker Maloch, Clark Bruce, Thomas Tessier, RJ White, Garrison Briggs, Caelon Mcdonald, Clay Welch, Elijah Hassett, Alex Morgan, Matthew Flint, Garrett Vaughn, Emory Vaughn.
Thanks for your help in resolving this!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hope you're not supersitious... 13 for 13!!!!

Commerce sent 13 wrestlers to qualifiers and all 13 qualified for the State Tournament. They were... Chance McClure, Grayson Cochran, Heath Millwood, Gavin Oglesby, Knox Allen, Nick Patrick, TJ Trudnak,Wade Slater, Dalton Flint, Cole Chancey, Chase Forrester, Levi Pate & Jake Brewer. Great job wrestlers ~ Congrats to all!!!